Trip to Mauritânia in February 2009.


Trip to Mauritania (for the first time) in February 2009, with two 4x4 and respective drivers:

Nacho (friend from Madrid) in a Nissan Terrano II  Long and me in a Land Rover Defender 90 HTV.


Here is the accounting of the expenses made by Nacho and the track subdived in two maps for better view.


Total Kms in África:                7173,82 km

Fuel spent:   1010,18 lts

Fuel Total cost:                   499,19 €

Average                14,08 lts/100km

 Average cost                           0,07 €/km

Ferry boat:                                       238,00 €

tolls:                                23,00 €

Visa in border (15 days):        10,00 €

Mauritania vehicule assurance (10 days):        20,00 €

Ticket entrance on Banc de Arguin:                7,50 €

Euro Exchange  (aprox.):                 10,85 Dirham / 320 Ouguilla




Day 1

31 January:  from Algeciras to Marrakech


Leaving Algeciras

Approaching  Ceuta


Day 2

01 February: from Marrakech to Sidi Ifni


Coast village before arriving at Sidi Ifni


The coast before arriving at Sidi Ifni


The Mosque of Sidi Ifni


 Arriving to Sidi Ifni sea side


Camping Bungalows El Barco of Sidi Ifni


Day 3 

02 February: from Sidi Ifni to Tarfaya


Sidi Ifni beach


Ancien Spansih mansion in Sidi Ifni


Sea port of Sidi Ifni


A track in schist from Sidi Ifni to Fort Bou-Jerif


Oued Noun near Fort Bou-Jerif


The very nice Fort Bou-Jerif


Arriving at Fort Bou-Jerif  hotel


Fort Bou-Jerif hotel


At the entrance of TAN-TAN


Day 4

 3 Frbruary: From Tarfaya to Dakla


Cape Boujdour


In the peninsula, Dakla at the bottom


Day 5

 4 February


From Dakla to Barbas


day 6  

5 February: From Barbas (Moroc) to Bou Lanoua (Mauritania – beginning of the train track)


Arriving to Mauritania's border


Passing by Bou Lanoua


Approaching the train track


Beginning of the train track


Arrinving to the rest place (train track) for the dinner and dreams


“hearing” the silence after the sunset and before the dinner


Dinner: Codfish at spanish way forcelebrate the entrance in Mauritania


Day 7

6 February: From  Bou Lanoua (Mauritania – beginning of the train track) to half way of Choum



While sleeping a train passes by


A Train machine that controls the quality of the line


Small trainn takes the direction of the mine near Fderik.


Ant in the desert


On the train track.


Day 8

 7 February: From half wayChoum to Atar on the base of Adrar


Monolith Ben Amera on the train track


Dromedary on the train track


Train track near Choum


End of train track. deginning of the track to Atar with adrar at the bottom


At half way between Choun and Atar with the adrar at the bottom


The adrar seen near Atar


Day 9

 8 Frbruary: Atar, Ouadane and arrival at  Chinguetti


In Atar a donkey is going to fill the fuel tank


A family house in Atar


The ground of a family house in Atar


Business street in the center of Atar


Leaving Atar to Ouadane and rising the adrar


French tourists getting the adrar direction


Landscapr from atar in Adrar direction


Rising the Adrar


Approaching Ouadane


One way for visiting Ouadane and surroundings.


Ruins of the medieval town of Ouadane


One polyvalent mechanician in Ouadane


Entrance in Chinguetti


In Chinguetti: passing from the new city to the older one


The Auberge “Maure Bleau” in Chinguetti.

Day 10

9 February: Chinguetti, an oásis on the way to Terjit, Terjit e Akjoujt.


Dawn at Chinguetti. At east the sun is going to wake up. At west the moon is going to fall asleep


Mosque of Chinguetti


Going to a private library in Chinguetti


Visiting a private library in Chinguetti


Streets and graphism in Chinguetti


In Chinguetti shall we buy souvenirs ?


An oásis before Terjit


Descending the adrar on the way to Terjit


 Entrance in Terjit


On the beatifull oasis of Terjit


From Terjit to Atar


In Akjout, before eating the roast of a little she-goat we do wash the hands


Cutin up the little ashe-goat in Akjoujt


After tasting the meat in Akjoujt all wash the hands


Day 11

10 February: From Akjout to Banc D’Argin by Bennichchab e Tiouilit


From the home of the Mauritain in Akjouj to the auto oarking of the Fatima Hotel


Donkies in the desert near Akjoujt  b


Desert of Akjoujt to Tiouilit by Bennichchab


Sand on the air


Camels near a water well on the desert from Akjoujt to  Tiouilit by Bennichchab


Defender in autonomy on the desert


Day 12

11 February: From Banc D’Arguin to Nouadhibou


Rising sun in Banc D’Arguin


In Banc D´Arguin .


Tracks  in Banc D´Arguin


Cape Tafarit in Banc D´ Arguin


Beach in Cape Tafarit


Birds ont he beach of cape Tafarit


Great mollusc in the beach of cape Tafarit


Soft sand of salt marshes


Near Nouadhibou


Day 13

12 February: From Nouadhibou to Dakla



Between the bordes of Mauritania and Moroc


Coffee near the road on way to Dakla


At the bottom left the peninsula of Dakla 35 km long roughly


Entering the peninsula on way to Dakla


Entrance in Dakla


Day 14

13 February: On the beatifull town of Dakla, one option to live with quality


The morning in Dakla


Typical restaurant in Dakla


Learning in a crèche at Dakla


A butchery in Dakla


Repair-shop street in Dakla


Market-place in Dakla


Shoeshiner in Dakla


Camel pricks in Dakla


Square in Dakla


Hotel Regency in Dakla and landscape


Day 15

14 February: Dakla, Boujadour and sleeping in  Ksar Tafnidilt



Leaving Dakla


Pushing a truck between Dakla and Boujadour


Transport van between Dakla e Boujadour


Cape Boujadour bottom left


The beach at Cape Boujadour


Crossing the bridge over the Oued with Laayoune on the bottom


Day 16

15 February: From  Ksar Tafnidilt to Taghazoute



Ksar Tafnidilt near Tan Tan


From Tafnidilt to Cape Draa


Oued Draa end on the sea


Cape Draa between Oued Draa and Aoreora


Footsteps of a fisherman between Cape Draa e Aoreora


Old fort not preserved in Aoreora


 Plage Blanche and Aoreora


Fishermen in Aoreora


 Oued and Plage Blanche


Bouizakarn in direction to Tiznit




Sidibibi before Agadir


Day 17

16 February: From  Taghazoute to Essaouira and Marrakech


Morning in Taghazoute


Typical house in Taghazoute


Crossing a village between Taghazoute and Agadir


Entering in Essaouira


Essaouira: punishing a forbidden parking


Essaouira: one sea-gull


Sea-gulls in Essaouira


Essaouira: Fishing harbour


Essaouira: bay


 Essaouira: Medina


Essauoira:  Sea food


Essaouira: Landscape


Essaouira: Foto moving




Day 18

17 February: From  Marrakech to Fes



Day 19

 18 February from Fes to Algeciras



Fez: Taxi from parking to Medina West entrance


Fez Medina:  West entrance


Fez Medina


Fez Medina: Big house


Fez Medina


Fez Medina: Crèche


Fez Medina


Fez Medina : Craftsmen


Fez Medina


 Fez Medina: Repairing the floor in the Mosque


Fez Medina: Transit discussion



Fez Medina: Craftsmen


Fez Medina


Fez Medina: South entrance


Fez Medina: Craftsmen  2


Fez Medina: She-mule on the ground and a dog on the roof


Fez Medina: South Entrance


Fez: Taxi from Medina to the parking


Fez: Leaving


From Fez to Ceuta


From Fez toCeuta: The Rift